TCS Special Tax Regime

Pursuant to Law 1869 of 106, Sole Regulatory Decree 1625 of 2016, Decree 2150 of 2017 and title VI of the first book of the National Tax Statute, the Corporación Colegio Cristóbal Colón (The Columbus School), NIT 890.902.829-9, makes available to civil society and the general public, the following information on the requirements for access to the Special Tax Regime – RTE of Income Tax for comments about the institution. If you want to make any comment or pronouncement about the corporation and / or the information related below, you can do it through the following link enabled by the National Tax and Customs Direction:

We attach documentation of public interest:

  1. Certificación Cargos Directivos y Gerenciales (click here)
  2. Memoria Económica (click here)
  3. Informe Anual 2023 (click here)
  4. Estados Financieros 2023  (click here)
  5. Certificado Requisitos Registro Web (click here)
  6. Estatutos (click here)
  7. Certificado Representante Legal Antecedentes Judiciales (click here)
  8. Acta de Asamblea General 2024 (click here)
  9. Acta de Asamblea General 2024 – Beneficios (click here)

Foundation Special Tax Regime

Pursuant to Law 1869 of 106, Sole Regulatory Decree 1625 of 2016, Decree 2150 of 2017 and title VI of the first book of the National Tax Statute,Fundación The Columbus School, NIT800,188.329-7, makes available to civil society and the general public, the following information on the requirements for access to the Special Tax Regime – RTE of Income Tax for comments about the institution. If you want to make any comment or pronouncement about the corporation and / or the information related below, you can do it through the following link enabled by the National Tax and Customs Direction:

We attach documentation of public interest:

  1. Certificación Cargos Directivos y Gerenciales (click here)
  2. Informe Anual 2023 (click here)
  3. Estados Financieros 2023  (click here)
  4. Certificado Requisitos Registro Web (click here)
  5. Estatutos (click here)
  6. Certificado Representante Legal Antecedentes Judiciales (click here)
  7. Acta de Asamblea General 2024 (click here)