Admissions Philosophy

Admissions at The Columbus School has the purpose of attracting families and students interested in an educational environment that directly involves each student in experiences to achieve their individual potential. The School believes in the importance of an educational philosophy for candidate families that is in harmony with the programs, services and resources offered by the School and is aligned to our TCS purpose.

Students will be admitted based on the availability of space, academic and  disciplinary development. With the exception of admissions to K4, all students who wish to enroll at School must demonstrate a level of English determined by the School.

* Note: The school reserves the right of admission and does not acquire any type of obligation just for receiving an admissions request.

K4 Admissions Process

At The Columbus School children begin their first school year when they have turned 4 years old by July 31.

The admissions process for this grade begins 3 years in advance to the year in which the aspiring student will start. To access this process it is a mandatory requirement to attend an Information Meeting for Prospective Parents.

Please contact the Admissions Office for available dates and additional information.


The Admissions Office will be open to public to receive applications and recommendation letters Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

* Notes:

  1. The school reserves the right of admission and does not acquire any type of obligation just for receiving an admissions request.
  2. We will not accept extemporaneous applications or families who have not attended the Information Meetings for Prospect Families. 
  3. The school year for which you are applying depends on the date of birth of your child. For example if your child is programmed to be born in August, but is born in July, his/her admissions process will begin a year before. 

In order for you to have a more fluid admissions process at The Columbus School, here is a checklist that will guide you:

Complete Checklist (Click here)


Admissions Department
[email protected]
4033004 – 4033033

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Grades Different to K4 and Extemporaneous Admissions

At The Columbus School we have extemporaneous admissions processes for families coming from other countries or cities at times different from the usual registration period.

The extemporaneous process depends on the availability of space in the school year of application.

Please contact the Admissions Office for more information.

* Note: The school reserves the right of admission and does not acquire any type of obligation just for receiving an admissions request.

In order for you to have a more fluid admissions process at The Columbus School, here is a checklist that will guide you:

Complete Checklist (Click here)

Admissions Department

[email protected]

4033004 – 4033033


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Admissions Information Meetings for parents of children that start K4 in August 2023

Dear Prospect Families for SY 2023-2024,

If you have children born between August 1, 2018 and July 31st 2019 and you are interested in visiting our school in order to start an admissions process, please continue checking our website for registrations for Campus visits. There will be  meetings between February and May 2020. Limited spaces.

Thank you!

    The Secretary of Education of Envigado is responsible for authorizing through a Resolution the annual increase of the school fees.

    Columbus Life

    TCS offers many co-curricular activities. Some of them complement academic life such as GIN, STEM, COSMUN, DI and TOM.

    Columbus Life is the area in charge of our afterschool programs which offer different activities in sports, languages, arts and others.

    For K4 to 1st grade classes are offered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays depending on the activity selected. Schedules vary: Tuesdays and Thursdays classes are from 2:45 – 4:30 p.m. and Wednesdays classes are from 1:45 – 3:30 p.m. For K4 students these classes are only offered starting on the second semester of the school year.

    For students from 2nd to 5th grade, the classes are offered on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 3:15 pm to 4:50 pm and on Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 3:50 pm.

    For students from 6th to 12th grade, the classes are offered on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm and on Wednesday from 2:10 pm to 3:50 pm.

    Binational games (sports festivals and competitions with other AdvancEd schools in Colombia) and other sports competitions and festivals are always part of our school year ́s program.

    For more information click here:

    Classrooms Without Walls

    TCS offers field trips in almost every grade level. These are considered valuable educational and social experiences for students. They help to enhance a certain unit of study expose students to different experiences of learning and connects them to the real world.
    The objective of Classrooms Without Walls (experiential education program) is to provide a unique learning opportunity for The Columbus School students otherwise not possible in the daily classroom. It is an opportunity to build friendships, develop team building and leadership skills, and travel within and outside of Colombia while participating in enriched activity-based programs.

    The trips are organized by TCS in conjunction with a third party provider and faculty use this opportunity to get to know their students outside of a normal academic setting.
    None of the Classroom without walls activities are mandatory. These activities have an extra cost.

    Exchange Programs

    TCS has no mandatory international exchange programs, nevertheless some families decide on their own to leave school for a short period of time (up to 1 year) to do exchange programs with other schools. TCS can keep their spot up to a year according to the Temporary Withdrawal Policy.

    Summer Activities and Camps at TCS

    Columbus Life offers 3 weeks of different types of activities during the summer for children of all ages. Make sure to ask for the school year ́s offer at the Columbus Life department.

    Welcome to The Columbus School Admissions Department. Thank you for your interest in our school.

    The Columbus School is a bilingual, multicultural school made up by a population of 98% Colombians and the rest from other nationalities. Our admission process, as is defined in our strategic plan “The Columbus Way” aims at developing critical and global thinking in our students and is open to different nationalities, religions, races, genders, sexual orientation, marital status, age, political opinions and philosophical beliefs.

    We currently have a population of approximately 1700 students from K4 to 12th grade. Our program focuses on academic development as well as in values education and prepares our students to continue their university careers successfully, both in international and national universities.

    At The Columbus School we offer different admission processes depending on the age of the aspiring student. Please identify the process that best describes your family situation. In any of the cases, the first contact with our school must be through the Admissions Office to determine the availability of spaces in order to start the process.

    For any additional information or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Admissions Office at [email protected]

    Ruth Allen ed. D

    Dear prospect families,

    If you have children born between August 1, 2015 and July 31st 2016 and attended one of the Campus visits that were held between February and May 2017 and/or have older children already registered at the School, we invite you to fill out the admissions form and schedule your appointment to deliver documents at the admissions office.

    Remember that the dates for the appointments are only between September 25th and October 26th

    Thank you!

    Click here to schedule you appointment or fill out the admissions form

    *** Remember to use the email that you registered with for the Campus Visit or the one you have registered in school (only for enrolled families)

    Admissions Department
    [email protected]
    4033004 – 4033033

    The Columbus School Foundation

    The Columbus School Foundation is a non-profit organization composed of community members such as students, parents, teachers, administrative staff and alumni. The Foundation has several social programs and projects.

    JKS Scholarships: Our mission is to promote access to higher education and ensure its continuity for recent graduates from public educational institutions in the TCS area of influence, as well as children of TCS staff and community members who meet the necessary requirements. We achieve this by leveraging valuable contributions from our strategic allies, actively empowering these individuals to realize their dreams and develop into successful professionals.

    Robotics Scholarships: Thanks to the generous support of our strategic allies, we are able to offer students from public schools in our area of influence the opportunity to participate in the FRC TCS robotics program. Through this program, we aim to enhance their knowledge in this rapidly evolving field, which plays a crucial role in our current context and requires a growing number of skilled professionals. Together, we are paving the way for these students to excel in robotics and contribute to tackling future challenges.

    Volunteer Program: Our TCS community actively participates in this program, becoming agents of change within the educational context and fostering connections with our local community. By integrating realities and joining forces, we make a meaningful impact.

    Solidarity Fund: The Solidarity Fund comes into action when emergencies disrupt the lives of individuals within our community. In such cases, the Foundation serves as a bridge, connecting those affected with individuals who wish to provide assistance, helping them overcome the catastrophe or situation they have faced.

    Join Our Higher Purpose through the Following Options!

    Recurring Donations: Make a monthly donation starting from 10,000 pesos through automatic debit. It’s a simple and convenient way to support us. ¡Click here!

    One-time Donations: Contribute to our programs and projects with a one-time donation. Together, we can achieve great things for our society! ¡Click here!

    Purchase of Uniforms: Support higher education by purchasing uniforms, which directly contribute to the education of young people within our area of influence or the children of our General Services staff. BUY UNIFORMS

    Be Part of the Friends Foundation: Join our social network and actively contribute through your support, voice, ideas, and experiences. Contact us via email and share your mobile number and preferred way to help us transform lives through education. (Button leading to Foundation’s email address “I want to join!”


    We firmly believe in the transformative power of education. In this area, we are dedicated to providing children and young people with quality educational opportunities, enabling them to grow as professionals and explore new fields of knowledge that can truly transform their lives.

    Social Capital:

    Through our volunteer programs, we actively promote responsible citizenship. Our students, their families, teachers, and staff are committed to making a positive impact on our society, creating more opportunities for children and young people in our community.

    We are a non-profit organization operating under the Special Tax Regime. Our ultimate purpose is to “Transform lives through education and foster responsible citizenship.” To fulfill this mission, we focus on two main areas: Education and Social Capital.

    For more information about the Foundation contact:

    Carolina Cossio Zuluaga
    Directora de la Fundación TCS
    Teléfono: 604 4033000 Ext. 151
    Correo: [email protected] 


    Yesenia Rodríguez Peñaranda
    Administrative and Financial Analyst
    Phone: 604 4033000 Ext. 147
    Mail: [email protected]

    Admissions Philosophy

    The Columbus School admissions are aimed at attracting families and students interested in an educational environment that involves students, providing them with experiences that facilitate learning, and allow them to reach their individual potential. The School believes in the importance of ensuring that the educational philosophy of the prospect families is in harmony with the programs, services and resources offered by the School, aligned to our purpose.

    Students will be admitted based on space availability, academic and disciplinary development. With the exception of admissions for K4 all students wishing to enter must demonstrate an English level determined by the School.

    * Note: The School reserves the right of admission and does not acquire any obligation for receiving the application for admissions. 

    Contact Admissions

      Admissions Contact Information:

      Admissions Departament
      [email protected]