Asopaf is the parent association. It has an annual and voluntary affiliation per family. Asopaf works together with TCS in areas such as recreation and external conferences.

For more information about Asopaf click here

Our Campus

The Columbus School is located on a 21-hectare lot in Alto de Las Palmas at an altitude of 2,520 meters (8,267 feet) above sea level, on the outskirts of Medellín. This privileged location provides a country and natural environment, ideal for all kinds of academic, sports and artistic activities.

The School was designed according to the educational needs of the 21st century, offering our students the opportunity to live in harmony with nature, while being trained with all the benefits of state-of-the-art technology.

Virtual campus tour


Students at TCS have two breaks or recess followed by snack or lunch. Each family can decide if their child brings a lunchbox from home or uses the food service provided by the school through a third party.

For Early Years and Elementary: if you decide to use the food service, the family has the option to sign up and pay monthly for a snack and a daily lunch, just a daily snack or just a daily lunch.

Students are not allowed to bring money to school to pay in the cafeteria.
The food company charges a fee for each school day, this means that some months may have a higher cost than others depending on the number of days of the month.

Middle and High School: students can choose to register and pay the month in advance to have a daily lunch, bring a lunchbox from home or buy at the cafeteria every day.

For more information click here:


The school works with two different companies that offer transportation services to students at The Columbus School. Not all grades use the same buses.

The school suggests using transportation services for logistical and environmental care reasons, but if there is a family that wishes to bring their child, it is also possible as long as the arrival and departure time matches our schedule.
The contract with the transport company is directly with the family and not with TCS.

For more information:

School Calendar

We are a calendar B school, the SY goes from August to June. There is a 1 week break in October, 2 days off for Thanksgiving, Christmas holidays from around the 15th of Dec to 10th of Jan, 1 week off for Holy Week in March or April and Summer vacations from around the 15th of June to the 10th of August.

Important Dates SY-2023-2024

Columbus Life

TCS offers many co-curricular activities. Some of them complement academic life such as GIN, STEM, COSMUN, DI and TOM.

Columbus Life is the area in charge of our afterschool programs which offer different activities in sports, languages, arts and others.

For K4 to 1st grade classes are offered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays depending on the activity selected. Schedules vary: Tuesdays and Thursdays classes are from 2:45 – 4:30 p.m. and Wednesdays classes are from 1:45 – 3:30 p.m. For K4 students these classes are only offered starting on the second semester of the school year.

For students from 2nd to 5th grade, the classes are offered on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 3:15 pm to 4:50 pm and on Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 3:50 pm.

For students from 6th to 12th grade, the classes are offered on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm and on Wednesday from 2:10 pm to 3:50 pm.

Binational games (sports festivals and competitions with other AdvancEd schools in Colombia) and other sports competitions and festivals are always part of our school year ́s program.

For more information click here:

Classrooms Without Walls

TCS offers field trips in almost every grade level. These are considered valuable educational and social experiences for students. They help to enhance a certain unit of study expose students to different experiences of learning and connects them to the real world.
The objective of Classrooms Without Walls (experiential education program) is to provide a unique learning opportunity for The Columbus School students otherwise not possible in the daily classroom. It is an opportunity to build friendships, develop team building and leadership skills, and travel within and outside of Colombia while participating in enriched activity-based programs.

The trips are organized by TCS in conjunction with a third party provider and faculty use this opportunity to get to know their students outside of a normal academic setting.
None of the Classroom without walls activities are mandatory. These activities have an extra cost.

Exchange Programs

TCS has no mandatory international exchange programs, nevertheless some families decide on their own to leave school for a short period of time (up to 1 year) to do exchange programs with other schools. TCS can keep their spot up to a year according to the Temporary Withdrawal Policy.

Summer Activities and Camps at TCS

Columbus Life offers 3 weeks of different types of activities during the summer for children of all ages. Make sure to ask for the school year ́s offer at the Columbus Life department.

The Columbus School Foundation

The Columbus School Foundation is a non-profit organization composed of community members such as students, parents, teachers, administrative staff and alumni. The Foundation has several social programs and projects.

JKS Scholarships: Our mission is to promote access to higher education and ensure its continuity for recent graduates from public educational institutions in the TCS area of influence, as well as children of TCS staff and community members who meet the necessary requirements. We achieve this by leveraging valuable contributions from our strategic allies, actively empowering these individuals to realize their dreams and develop into successful professionals.

Robotics Scholarships: Thanks to the generous support of our strategic allies, we are able to offer students from public schools in our area of influence the opportunity to participate in the FRC TCS robotics program. Through this program, we aim to enhance their knowledge in this rapidly evolving field, which plays a crucial role in our current context and requires a growing number of skilled professionals. Together, we are paving the way for these students to excel in robotics and contribute to tackling future challenges.

Volunteer Program: Our TCS community actively participates in this program, becoming agents of change within the educational context and fostering connections with our local community. By integrating realities and joining forces, we make a meaningful impact.

Solidarity Fund: The Solidarity Fund comes into action when emergencies disrupt the lives of individuals within our community. In such cases, the Foundation serves as a bridge, connecting those affected with individuals who wish to provide assistance, helping them overcome the catastrophe or situation they have faced.

Join Our Higher Purpose through the Following Options!

Recurring Donations: Make a monthly donation starting from 10,000 pesos through automatic debit. It’s a simple and convenient way to support us. ¡Click here!

One-time Donations: Contribute to our programs and projects with a one-time donation. Together, we can achieve great things for our society! ¡Click here!

Purchase of Uniforms: Support higher education by purchasing uniforms, which directly contribute to the education of young people within our area of influence or the children of our General Services staff. BUY UNIFORMS

Be Part of the Friends Foundation: Join our social network and actively contribute through your support, voice, ideas, and experiences. Contact us via email and share your mobile number and preferred way to help us transform lives through education. (Button leading to Foundation’s email address “I want to join!”


We firmly believe in the transformative power of education. In this area, we are dedicated to providing children and young people with quality educational opportunities, enabling them to grow as professionals and explore new fields of knowledge that can truly transform their lives.

Social Capital:

Through our volunteer programs, we actively promote responsible citizenship. Our students, their families, teachers, and staff are committed to making a positive impact on our society, creating more opportunities for children and young people in our community.

We are a non-profit organization operating under the Special Tax Regime. Our ultimate purpose is to “Transform lives through education and foster responsible citizenship.” To fulfill this mission, we focus on two main areas: Education and Social Capital.

For more information about the Foundation contact:

Carolina Cossio Zuluaga
Directora de la Fundación TCS
Teléfono: 604 4033000 Ext. 151
Correo: [email protected] 


Yesenia Rodríguez Peñaranda
Administrative and Financial Analyst
Phone: 604 4033000 Ext. 147
Mail: [email protected]